A Guide to Turkey Visas For Saudi Citizens and East Timorese Citizens

A Guide to Turkey Visas For Saudi Citizens and East Timorese Citizens

With the recent opening of diplomatic ties between Turkey and Saudi Arabia, many people are wondering if this means that Saudi Arabian citizens can enter Turkey without a visa. The short answer is no. There are two types of visas that Saudi Arabian citizens need to have in order to be able to travel to Turkey: Turkey Visa for Saudi Citizens If you are a Turkey Visa for Saudi Citizens and wish to visit Turkey, you will need a visa. You can obtain a Turkish visa at the Turkish Embassy in Riyadh, or at Turkish diplomatic missions worldwide. The application process is straightforward and takes around two weeks from the date of application. The cost of a Turkish visa is Euro 25. If you are travelling as part of your job, you will need to provide documentation showing that your trip is legitim...