Indians Can Now Apply For Tourist Visa On US Cruise Ships

Indians Can Now Apply For Tourist Visa On US Cruise Ships

Indian citizens can now apply for a US tourist visa on US cruise ships. This change was made in order to help Indian travellers avoid the hassles of applying for a tourist visa at US consulates or embassies. India's New Visa Rules As of January 1, 2018, Indians can now apply for a tourist visa on US cruise ships. The change comes as a result of the US-India Joint Statement of Intent, which was announced in September 2017. Previously, Indians could only apply for a tourist visa at a US consulate or embassy. TOURIST VISA FOR INDIA The new rule means that Indian tourists will be able to enjoy more American destinations and experiences. Cruises are an especially popular travel option for Indians, who account for around 30% of all cruise passengers worldwide. This change is sure to make tr...